3rd November 2018

Mr. Joseph Chan, our Center chairman, was invited to speak as one of the panelists of Elite Discussion at the International Conference 2018
Mr. Joseph Chan, our Center chairman, was invited to speak as one of the panelists of Elite Discussion at the International Conference 2018 organized by The Institute of Purchasing & Supply of Hong Kong (IPSHK). The event was held on November 3, 2018, at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel. Over 200 business entrepreneurs, purchase and supply practitioners, professionals and policymakers attended this conference with a special theme on Procurement & Supply Chain Evolution for Belt & Road Initiative. The Secretary for Transport And Housing Mr. Chan Fan, Frank JP officiated the conference.
Our Chairman shared the challenges and opportunities in the procurement & supply chain in the frontier Belt and Road countries with other panelists and the audiences. The complexity of political instability, personal safety, red tape and the lack of proper insurance coverage are only a few of the many reasons why business enterprises may shy away from the frontier markets. He urged governments and international organizations to put more efforts to help businesses to operate in a safer environment while exploring the opportunities in the frontier markets. He also urged the HKSAR government to put more efforts to encourage younger generations to look beyond Hong Kong.