14th September 2015

Chairman of Our Centre Attended As Guest Speaker At The Silk Road Economic Belt SOE Reform And Health Industry Forum
The very first round of the “Silk Road Economic Belt SOE Reform And Health Industry Forum” was held in Urumqi of Xinjiang on 14th September. Revolving around themes such as One Belt One Road and SOE reforms, the forum had brought in discussions on various topics including industry cooperation, improving asset management in SOE and how Xinjiang can perform in the OBOR initiatives.
Guest speakers were experts from different fields, including the president of the China Economic System Reform Research Association and China State Owned Enterprise Reform and Development Research Association Mr. Gao Shang-Quan, former chief of the National Bureau of Statistics Mr. Qiu Xiao-Hua, general secretary of the China State Council Research Office Ms. Chen Wen-ling, renown economist Mr. Liu Yi-Lei.
Chairman of the Silk Road Economic Development Research Centre Mr. Joseph Chan was also invited as a guest speaker at the forum, where he shared his experience on foreign investment in Silk Road.
Details of the forum on the day (Simplified Chinese) : http://www.xj.xinhuanet.com/zhibo/djkcylt/